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    name: str,
    auto_scale: bool = True,
    dist: Callable | None = None,
    bounds: tuple[float, float] | None = None,

Bases: Prior

Abstract specification of a prior.


  • name (str) –

    Name of prior distribution. Must be the name of a PyMC distribution (e.g., "Normal", "Bernoulli", etc.)

  • auto_scale (optional, default: True ) –

    Whether to adjust the parameters of the prior or use them as passed. Default to True.

  • kwargs

    Optional keywords specifying the parameters of the named distribution.

  • dist (optional, default: None ) –

    A callable that returns a valid PyMC distribution. The signature must contain name, dims, and shape, as well as its own keyworded arguments.

  • bounds (optional, default: None ) –

    A tuple of two floats indicating the lower and upper bounds of the prior.