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    bounds: tuple[float, float] | None = None,

Bases: Link

Representation of a generalized link function.

This object contains two main functions. One is the link function itself, the function that maps values in the response scale to the linear predictor, and the other is the inverse of the link function, that maps values of the linear predictor to the response scale.

The great majority of users will never interact with this class unless they want to create a custom Family with a custom Link. This is automatically handled for all the built-in families.


  • name

    The name of the link function. If it is a known name, it's not necessary to pass any other arguments because functions are already defined internally. If not known, all of `link,linkinvandlinkinv_backend`` must be specified.

  • link (optional, default: None ) –

    A function that maps the response to the linear predictor. Known as the :math:g function in GLM jargon. Does not need to be specified when name is a known name.

  • linkinv (optional, default: None ) –

    A function that maps the linear predictor to the response. Known as the :math:g^{-1} function in GLM jargon. Does not need to be specified when name is a known name.

  • linkinv_backend (optional, default: None ) –

    Same than linkinv but must be something that works with PyMC backend (i.e. it must work with PyTensor tensors). Does not need to be specified when name is a known name.

  • bounds (optional, default: None ) –

    Bounds of the response scale. Only needed when name is gen_logit.